Saturday 23 June 2012

What do you do with a BA in English?

So my room is packed, my posters are down, the house is spotless (enough) and I'm laying on my bed waiting for my parents, listening to the Avenue Q soundtrack and feeling a little bit philosophical about everything.

Who remembers me a year ago? Yeah, what a dick that girl was. I'm not going to brood on that but those who know and love me will know that my bouncebackability has been fairly outstanding this year. To the point where perhaps I lost a little bit of my sanity and a LOT of my sleep but I've had an amazing year so I'm  definitely not complaining.

I'm feeling in a pretty excellent place right now. The room is only slightly spinning from the remnants of my last ever Jesters hangover. My voice is also slightly gruffer than usual and I'm pretty sure I've worn this tshirt everyday for the last week because I prematurely packed ALL my clothes. I also don't feel sad. I'm slightly heartbroken to leave my housemates; but after the year abroad I know that love knows no boundaries when it comes to distance. As my dad says (all the time, whenever you give him a second to speak), I have a lovely lot of friends and Southampton has been an amazing place to live for the last few years. But ultimately, I feel ready to leave. I'm excited to get back to my life in Essex... my friends from school, an Operatic society that solely raises my spirits (both kinds), not my blood pressure, my church, my family and my boyfriend.

Also on failing miserably to get a job this week, I have actually come to a sort of definite conclusion over what I want to do. Account manager. Ah shit, now I've said it in a blog its suddenly real. It's just not the same when you say it on Twitter or Facebook, they're far too frivolous and overused to be meaningful. But yeah; I think I'd be kick ass at it, and I enjoy things I'm good at so should be a winning combination!

It's weird now to think that I don't have a degree to do. Its a little bit like my life has been on hold for the last four years. Now I can focus on a whole myriad of things and hopefully be awesome at all of them.
These things include:
Getting my grade 8 piano
Learning about Account management
Getting better at Maths/arithmetic
Directing or producing a show
Getting a kick ass job
Saving up to buy a house

Lots of this is very grown up... but I like the idea of being grown up. It's fun because its new. I also need to learn when its has an apostrophe and when it doesn't. Word always seems to know better than me and I don't trust Blogspot to correct me.

Here's to us.
