Saturday 31 December 2011

A new year, a new blog

Ah, New Years. I think this year we actually need to worry more about blog sites and opinion forums crashing than telephone networks. Everyone I know seems to be fairly pensive at the moment so I thought, why not join in.

I kept a blog fairly sporadically last year. I haven't taken it down because the majority of the last 18 months of my life were the toughest of my life and I want to keep it there so I can remind myself of how far I've come since those dark times. If you're feeling like you need a bit of catharsis then you can look at it at 

I don't really see the point in New Years resolutions. The things I want to acheive in life are all things I want to have in the long term, so promising myself in January I will have acheived it by December is ridiculous, and opens me up to letting myself down, which isn't a good time.

So let's have a look at what I wanted to achieve last  year, see how much of it I managed and how I can work towards it:

1. Do not let Malaga beat you. : No Malaga did not beat me. I didn't necessarily beat it, but damnit. I finished my year, I passed every single one of my exams and I can honestly say I enjoyed the last two months. Partly due to my gorgeous friends visiting me but that's by the by. I hope never to have to go through an experience like that again

2. Make lists and keep a diary until you are blue in the face. You know for a fact you work better that way and it will be worth the effort in the end. : Lists rock. I literally can't do anything without them now.

3. Go to Italy, go to Norway, go to Madrid and go to Poland. Do at least one of these by yourself. : I actually went to Norway and Bilbao. But I did the first one on my own. I want to always be able to afford a city break each year of my life.

4. Learn to budget and stick to it. : By this time next year I hope to have a full time job. Winging it has worked so far so I'm just going to close my eyes and hope for the best.

5. Use your grant money to buy a guitar and teach yourself to play it. : I will do this at some point

6. Swear less. You're a nice girl, you don't need to have such a dirty dirty mouth. : I did this for lent. It was hard and I haven't stuck to it. You're all just going to have to love and accept my filthy language.

7. Go for runs at least twice a week. Do sit up regime every other day. : PAH. Dream on.

8. Do NOT do that again, line has been drawn; stay on the right side of it. : DONE

9. Talking of lines, remember to stay on the sane side of that other line. : It took me a further four and a half months. But on the 18th of April, despite in many ways being the worst day of my life, I managed to draw this line in permanent marker and every day I feel better and better and I am shedding the old skin of hatred that came with the entire situation. Things aren't perfect but I feel like I've come out on top and whilst I feel it's a fairly bittersweet victory I am proud of myself and consider myself to have some of the best best friends a girl could ever dream of.

10. Stop letting other people rule your actions, opinions and emotions. Do what you want to do, and be less of a pathetic mess doing it. : I think I actually need to dial this now. I seem to have lost my knack of empathy a lot of the time. I probably need to worry less.

So not an overly unsuccessful year. Once back in the UK I managed to slowly pull my sanity back together. I have had the pleasure of working with some absolutely gorgeous people at South Essex College and Waitrose, and still continue to work with those at Sobar and at the uni. I have absolutely adored being Academic President so far this year and I hope I can make a real difference in the next 6 months. Hopefully in the next few months I will start to get through to second round job interviews and maybe even find employment; who knows. I'll see where the wind takes me. And as much as I hate to admit it, Rob Stow is pretty damn fantastic.

At the moment I'm pretty happy living at 100mph and I think 2012 is going to be a good one. Thank you to everyone who's played a part in my life this year, the new and the old. I love you all dearly.


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