Wednesday 18 January 2012

Mrs. DoAsYouWouldBeDoneBy

Literary reference and religious statement all in one.

I would like to point out, so it is on record on the interweb, that I am not one for religious debate. And no, my dearest atheists, this is not because I'm scared of discovering that I'm living a lie, or am worried I will be proved wrong.

No, my reason for this is because religion in itself causes enough problems in the world without it causing domestic disputes and tension among people I spend time with. For me, Christianity is something completely personal. The majority of my friends are not practising Christian, they are a variety of undecided, Jewish, agnostic, atheist, Buddhist and Muslim. And others, most likely.

If asked a well reasoned question from a friend who is curious to find out an answer, I am more than happy to oblige and tell them what I know, or do some research and get back to them. What I disagree with is people posing questions in order to spark up a debate or argument.

One thing I believe I cannot be accused of is forcing my religion on any body (feel free to tell me if I do seem to be doing this, it's unintentional and I would want to rectify it immediately). I tend to go to church at university alone, giving others the option to come with if they have expressed a desire to, but otherwise keeping it to myself. I never in a million years would pull someone up on a comment and tell them that due to their religious beliefs they are going to hell, or some other such condemnation.

So why on earth do some people not offer me the same courtesy?

This has been sparked my something today, but it is no means a personal dig at the person in question. It happens on a semi-regular basis and to be perfectly honest I do not understand it.

As a Christian, my morality and general attitude in life develops and improves each year. Certain people will tell you how forgiving I can be. In the last year I chose to forgive someone, even when every single other person I know say that if they had been in the same situation they would not have acted in a manner as gracious and pardoning as I did. I'm a very open minded individually, I can always find the positive in experiences and every day I thank God for the beautiful people I have been lucky enough to become friends with. Religious or not, I am so happy to know them.

As was proved with original sin, and pretty much the entire of the Old Testament... Humanity is not capable of perfection. There has been one man who lived a sinless life, and because he died on a cross, everyone has the opportunity to atone their sins.

So why, when I slip up, when I make a slight comment, when I drink too much or swear, am I chastised because this is against the principles I am supposed to be following? Why does it have to come down to a religious debate, but when people who aren't religious, or aren't ready or brave enough to proclaim themselves as so, do a similar thing they don't come under this judgement of others?

What are you to gain from telling a Christian they're doing badly at their job? Do you think they'll turn round and say "Actually yes you're right, I'd much rather be a judgemental, dirty mouthed, drunkard, I'll just give up religion"

No. Every mistake is a learning curve and I plan to improve for the rest of my life. I have been a Christian for six years now. It's not always easy. (Don't get me wrong, I'm not even slightly trying to imply my life as a Christian is even comparable to those who suffer religious persecution in other countries, or even within the UK). Sometimes it's difficult to tell someone new you go to church, or that you have been baptised or you believe in God. But every year I get better at it, and I believe a lot of people respect your honesty and openness.

I will never be perfect, but I can damn well try.

All I wanted to really say from this is that I would never use someones religious choices against them - So please do the same for me. And the other Christians or Muslims or Jews or whoever you know. Discussion is always healthy, to SHARE ideas and beliefs and ways of living. Your aim should NEVER be to make someone feel inferior or bad for their beliefs, nor should they do the same to you.

Everyone is entitled their beliefs, opinions and lifestyle choices. This is mind, I hope you have yours too. I also hope you have the means to express it in a way that makes you sound as if you believe you exist on the same level as every one else, even if you disagree with them.

God bless to all those who want it, good day to all those who do not.

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