Friday 16 March 2012

It's alright ladies! If your man is talented, it's okay if he beats the crap out of you!

Opinionated? Yes I am.
Particularly bothered about celebrity culture? No, I am not.
Feminist? No.
Care about the examples lead to our women and children? Yes I do.

Rihanna has just completely, probably irreparably, plummeted in my estimations.
It is one thing considering getting back with your boyfriend who beat you so publicly a few years back, but it is a completely different story to actually actively seek him out to make "sweet" music with him.

I am all for forgiveness, I am a very forgiving person and I believe that forgiveness is the key to accepting the situation and moving on with your life. However, there is always a line when it comes to things such as this. Domestic violence, whichever way round it happens, is not acceptable, and nobody, ESPECIALLY not celebrities should EVER make it seem like it is acceptable.

This is, in essence, what Rihanna is doing. I can vaguely understand her reasons for wanting to show rival fans that they are being adult about it; however it seems her main motivation is actually that Chris Brown is 'the hottest R&B artist right now' which basically says that she is putting her fame and success over her principles. And not only her principles, but the effect she will be having on all her young impressionable fans. Yes, forgiveness is noble, but to actively work with that person again just portrays the message that quite frankly, she is a huge mug and doesn't believe he was wrong.

Celebrities have a huge deal of responsibility, and yes I understand they have a lot of pressure put on them, but it is all part of the package and they have to deal with it. I feel the same contempt towards footballers who get paid beyond extortionate amounts of money just to cheat on their wives and spend time with prostitutes. What impression are they leaving for young, budding footballers?
Their lifestyles as well as their talents are plastered in the press, just like other people their actions have consequences. I'm not saying they shouldn't make mistakes but how they make up for those mistakes should be just as important.
Chris Brown is still not even allowed within 9m of Rihanna... So performing together would be interesting.

I think she should be ashamed of herself, for what she is saying for her gender and to her fans. For all those women and men who have been in abusive relationships and survived, I salute you. I cannot imagine how hard it must have been to deal with it; but I'm sure you got out with much more dignity and self respect than Rihanna has right now.


  1. Definitely expecting a

    Lesbian? Maybe!


  2. Damn unknown comments, I know too many who would make comments like that...
